Tuesday, May 6, 2008

the body. . .

this last week i once again headed to the airport. this time i went to north carolina for a conference. it is called a TECH conference. it is various aid organizations and such that are trying to partner together to truly work to improve the developing world through sending medical equipment and supplies. there were engineers, biomed techs and electricians. i was amazed just in the realization that we each have our gifts and talents and it is through the expression of such that people are truly blessed, when we work as a body each with its own part, each appreciating the other.

i truly do appreciate those who enable so many parts of what i do in haiti. i went to a workshop called electricity on the field (sounded interesting ok!!). i realized that i know NOTHING about such things but i grew to respect even more those who do. another workshop about water and sanitation i learned about bio-sand water filters for thos with no access to clean water. wow. so much to learn. so much to do to work together.

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