Thursday, June 26, 2008

overwhelmed. . .

there truly are times that i am overwhelmed. overwhelmed with the good things of life. some of those things are. . .

warm sun and beautiful flowers.

my roommate who made dinner last night, it was scrumptious. i think especially because i had been at work all day and to come home and spend time with friends was such a blessing.

extremely generous people in my life!

family who i love and who love me. being able to spend time with them over this last weekend as my brother got married.

mango dressing on my salad.

life is good!

Monday, June 9, 2008

promise. . .

tonight driving back to my parents through the rolling farm hills, i saw the most brilliant rainbow i have ever seen in my life. the radiance of it was so bright that the colors seemed to cover the trees right before hitting the ground. there was a double rainbow which looked almost like an average rainbow and in no way was as bright as the first.

what a beautiful breathtaking sky!
what a reminder of God's promises.
what a perfect reminder for me.

a picture would not do it justice (and of course i didn't have a camera!!)