Sunday, November 16, 2008

the church. . .

wednesday i started my road trip from kansas city to louisville, kentucky. on the way i stopped in columbia and had lunch with my dad. we discussed politics, the world and the church. those are our normal conversation topics. . . we talked about where the church is working, but also talked about how it seems the church is failing on many fronts. there seems to be so much brokeness that is largely ignored by the church. we ended our conversation from a rather negative perspective.

i continued my drive and arrived at the global health medical missions conference. within the first few hours of this conference i realized anew that the church is not dead, the church is not ignoring the needs of the world. i listened to story after story of the hands and feet of Christ working all around the world. there were workshop leaders and main session speakers talking about their experiences where they had seen God work in amazing ways. there were normal ordinary people telling their stories of treating the sick, praying with the broken, building community in places where things seemed hopeless. i realized with a new sense of vision that the church is very much alive. God is very much so working in this world.

God wants to be working in our daily life. He is working in amazing ways and He is also very alive and real in the small simple things of life. He desires for us to "do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with Him." Micah 6:8 how simple. how real. how true.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

so big. . .

can you believe this little guy used to be three pounds?? he is laughing, smiling and will tell you a thing or two about his day! if you could just understand him!

(this is little isaiah who was born preemie in jan. 08.)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

home. . .

thursday around 10:30 i arrived back in kansas city.

i had been delayed in miami and ended up spending the night in dallas.

i had a great hotel room that i was only able to enjoy for about 5 hours before i got back up to catch my early morning flight home.

thanks for your prayers!