Tuesday, October 28, 2008

life. . .

i feel like i am constantly challenged here in haiti to realize the true value of life.  

there are so many times when we value lives that are perfect, people who are beautiful, successful, impressive.

the first week i was here nicole, (the mother i have shared about who came from so far away and was in congestive heart failure) came here with her little nine month old son.  they were both so sick, from my perspective, i wasn't sure either of them would live.  last night they went back to their home in leogone, both in good health.  i have to say the first day i saw them i thought perhaps we would provide comfort measures to help them in their last days of life, but God had different plans.

as i write this i have a little one right beside me.  she was brought to us yesterday.  her mother had her on saturday and then died.  her father brought her because there was no way he could care for her.  she is 3 lbs. 2 oz.  she doesn't have hands or feet and her little tongue is stuck to the bottom of her mouth.  who knows what she has going on internally.  her father didn't want to keep her, he wanted us to take care of her.  i don't know that we will do more than provide comfort measures and love her over the next few days of her life, or if God has something else in store, but i do know that it isn't for me to decide.  her name is naomi.

little ones like naomi challenge me to look again at what i value in life.


Jessica said...

It's time for you to come home, already! I miss you, friend! :-)

David@JCC said...


I was with a group from Jenison Christian Church that visited this past February. Haiti is forever stamped on my heart and in my prayers. PLEASE continue to post often about the people that come to the mission for God's help. It is both sobering and exhilerating to read these stories. You are God's soldier on the very front line in a battle against poverty, hopelessness, and voodoo. I know that many battles are lost but many are won and surely the victory will come in Jesus. Please continue to post often. It keeps the wonder and awe of God's hand alive for me.

David Regnerus