Monday, October 20, 2008

These are a few stories of the people I have been working with. .  .

Nicole Change - came from south of port-au-prince to here.  she said that is took her 15 days to come.  she is here with her 19 year old son and nine month old child.  she has four other children at home.  the father died in the water (hurricanes).  she is extremely sick, probably a heart conditions.  her baby is 9 months old and weighed nine pounds when they came.  i told her that her baby may not live and she said that she is with God and God will help her baby live.

Loudnika - came last week, horribly malnourished.  she is 2 years old and weighed 10 pounds.  i saw here at clinic before i left last time and tried to get her set up for a supplement program, somehow the mother never made the right connections and brought loudnika back to clinic because her teeth were falling out.
this is little Loudnika the day she came.  she has since gone to the hospital where she died.  the pediatrician i talked with said that she had heart failure from malnutrition and chronic anemia.

Frisken was horribly malnourished with kwashiorkor.  i was extremely worried about his kidney function the first few days he was here.  he came in extremely swollen, even his eyes were swollen.  he has slowly but surely made progress and yesterday looked like a different kid because his skin color was so much better and his swelling had gone down.

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