Sunday, October 19, 2008

tickets. . .

the young people of the church here in st. louis put together a concert today for a blind man to help him raise money to be able to rent a house and help pay for some of his living expenses.  the man who is blind is a wonderful musician and his songs are amazing as he sings about how he has been created to praise God.  

to raise money tickets were sold for his concert.  one of my friends here purchased a ticket for me.  although the concert was supposed to start at 3 this afternoon, i meandered over to the church around 4 and was there as it was starting.  as i walked through the church courtyard, various children came up to me asking that i would take them into the church with me or that i would buy them a ticket so they could come.  most of these kids were little guys that probably wouldn't have even wanted to have sat still for such a concert, but as they asked, i was struck with a thought.

really these kids need a ticket out, they need a ticket away from their hunger, a ticket to receive an education, a ticket to a better life.  unfortunately, that is not simple.  but i have to believe that our programs here are making a difference in many lives.  our nutrition programs is meeting the needs of so many children, the medical programs, the surgery, the sewing hope project, these are all tickets to a better life.

really though what matters most is similar to the courtyard of church as those little ones asked to go with me to the concert,  is the hope that people see and ask to know the same Jesus that i walk with and that they desire to enter into eternity with a God who promises that there will be no more tears.  i have to believe there is that hope for an eternity where there will be no hunger, no pain, no death. 

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