Tuesday, September 11, 2007

whew. . .

today was one of those days where it is evening and i am not exactly sure what happened to the day, some of them seem to pass so quickly. . .

i am so impressed almost everyday by the people of haiti. we live in america with health insurance, car insurance, renters insurance, life insurance, on and on. we have banking accounts, savings accounts. . . people here live day to day. i am so impressed by a mother who doesn't completely lose her mind because she doesn't know how she is going to feed her children next week, or how she is going to send her children to school. she still smiles and sings to them and loves them like any mother would. a father who will carry his newly paralyzed son for care and doesn't ask, what will he be able to do in the future, but cares so gently for him. i can't believe the spirit that people here live with, what they face day after day. they teach me so many lessons, about endurance, about faith, about living for today! i try to remember what their lives are like when i get frustrated by being asked for things, everything from my shoes to surgery for a child. . . i try to remember that they may see this as their only chance. with that in mind i try to respond as best and as patiently as i can.

sylveste (in this picture) is one of our nurses who led us in devotions the last couple mornings. she is one who i am completely amazed by her life here in haiti. she has an amazing singing voice, she emits strenght and power from deep within her when she sings. i know that she has been singing for a long time, will continue to do so and i can't wait to hear her singing in heaven.

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